Laboratory work has an increasingly important place at many seed companies and there are regular vacancies for laboratory staff at intermediate vocational (MBO) level in our region. However, there are hardly any new analysts with specific green knowledge and skills coming out of regular intermediate vocational education.
In anticipation of the growing demand for qualified analysts in our region, Seed Valley has asked the educational institutes Clusius College and Nova College to set up the “Green Analyst” MBO study programme. The first class started in April 2010.
This practice-based study programme serves two objectives: – to attract a mainly young target group with a specific learning/working pathway and an appealing professional perspective – further development of seed companies’ existing laboratory staff
The next cohort will begin the course in April 2011. The study programme is open to those who have an employment contract or a study/work contract with a firm in plant propagating material.
The three-year programme is a day-release apprenticeship (bbl or beroepsbegeleidende leerweg in Dutch), which means that the participants work at least three days per week and attend lessons at a teaching institution one day per week on average.
The lessons take place at the Clusius College’s KassenKlas practical facility in Zwaagdijk, close to Hoorn. This nationally recognised study programme leads to the Biotechnology Analyst diploma at MBO-4 level. There is still time for candidates to register (or for you to register work/study places).
Manja Hoogeboom, head of the seed health laboratory at Beja, has a number of staff members on the study programme. She is a member of the programme steering committee and can relate from her own experience the effect it is having on the development of her people.
Lia Lauppe is the coordinator of the biotechnology study programme at Nova College. She can provide more information about the programme’s content.
See also the leaflet on the study programme.