The registration for the 6th workshop on the molecular aspects of seed dormancy and germination is now open. The workshop will take place in the Netherlands this year.
The program
The advanced scientific program of the workshop includes visits to world-leading vegetable- and flower companies in Seed Valley. The excursions will go to Bejo, Syngenta, Incotec and Enza Zaden.
How to use insights on the regulation of germination to improve crop seed and seedling quality in the broadest sense?
The way that nature regulates germination often conflicts with the requirements of the industry. For example, for nature, only one seed resulting in one plant is enough, whilst the industry demands all seeds to germinate. During this three-day workshop, various experts are asked to address this issue. Theme’s that speakers will discuss are:
- Regulation of transcription factors
- Epigenetic regulation
- Hormonal regulation
- Post transcriptional regulation
- Role of the environment
- Translation science to industry
This workshop has been organised by the ISSS, Wageningen University and Research, the Scientific Committee, the Organising Committee and Seed Valley. The International Society for Seed Science is a professional organisation of seed scientists. This organisation fosters and promotes research, education and communication in the scientific understanding of seeds.
Check in
Date: 22-25 September 2019
Venue: Van der Valk Hotel, Volendam, The Netherlands