“When the dikes break, a worldwide food crisis will come into existence.”
This quote stresses the importance of the seed industry. More than half of the food worldwide originates in Seed Valley. As well as Seed Valley being responsible for a lot of employment, both regional and international.
Dutch glossy Impact magazine invited Jaap Mazereeuw (CEO of Enza Zaden) and Seed Valley for a double interview, in which the importance of Seed Valley is highlighted. The article is written in Dutch, but a summary of the article is provided underneath.
Carolien Wagenaar (Seed Valley) explains: “Seed Valley is an initiative from Enza Zaden, Bejo Zaden, Pop Vriend Seeds, Incotec and Syngenta, that started ten years ago. The main goal was to familiarize people with the industry. Ten years later, Seed Valley has blossomed into an ecosystem of about 40 companies that work together in creating a positive image for employment and strengthening the economic position in North-Holland.”
The Netherlands is the worldwide acknowledged front runner when it comes to developing new, innovative breeds and producing high-end seed. That is the message that Seed Valley wants to spread. Seed Valley promotes job opportunities in the sector, as everyone can work within the seed industry. Breeders, HR, marketers, warehouse operatives, data analysts: all are needed. Students and starters are finding their way to Seed Valley, also due to the societal aspect. Working in the seed industry contributes to finding solutions for cultivating food within a changing environment.
Impact Magazine is developed by Noord Holland Noord, a company that guides other companies in their development, investments, and employability in the upper region of North-Holland. Their magazine allows entrepreneurs in North-Holland to elaborate on their innovative investments.
Read the whole interview (only written in Dutch).